Saturday, 27 April 2013

"Childbirth vs Getting kicked in the balls"- Simplified

What causes more pain? Childbirth or Getting kicked in the balls?

Who has it worse when it comes to pain? That now is probably the question equivalent to "What came first, Chicken or Egg?". In one hand, women are left with a task of fitting a watermelon sized fetus in her coin sized uterus. On the other, men complain that even a slightest hit on their jewels (:P) can leave them for dead.So which one hurts more?

Before we start, there was a recent rumor on the internet claiming that when a woman gives birth, she suffers 56-57 del of pain which apparently is equivalent to the breaking of 20 human bones, while when a man is kicked in his balls, he suffers 9000 del of pain which I'm assuming will be equivalent to all the bones of our body and the limit to which a human body can withstand pain is 45 del. Apart from the absurd logic that both  of these events can surpass the alleged limit of 45 del, the unit "del" does not even exist. There was once a unit called "dol" from the Latin word 'Dolor' for pain. So that internet fact was bullshit. Before we can move on further, let's talk about 'pain'. What is pain?
                                                                 Pain is the sensation we get when a specialized group of receptors called nociceptors pick it from a stimuli. Unlike other receptors which fire to sensation like temperature, pressure etc. , nociceptors fire when it has passed a specialized  pain threshold, i.e a certain minimum limit required for the pain to register. Some of these nociceptors react quickly which produce a quick sensation of pain like touching something hot or sharp, allowing us to react quickly. While others transmit more slowly and are responsible for a prolonged pain or a 'dull ache'. 

For males, the testicles are internal organs that have migrated out of the body which have a lot of nociceptors, making them extremely sensitive. Also, testicles are also attached to many nerves of the stomach as well as the 'vagus' nerve which in turn is connected to the brain's 'vomit' centre and this is why when hit, the pain spreads throughout the abdomen. To add to that, the human psychology enhances the pain due to testicles being of the minimal protection and utmost importance, and creates symptoms like nausea, increased blood pressure, heart rate etc.

For females, even tough they are not hit with any direct blow to the internal organs,  the mechanical distention   of the uterine area also triggers nociceptors and causes the same kind of visceral pain, mentioning the fact that labor lasts 7-8 hours on an average including nausea, fatigue and increased tension due to stretching. 
Okay! So obviously both of them hurts a lot due a lot of mechanical stimulation by sending signals to pain center of the brain. But this where it gets twisted because pain isn't simply a physical response, rather it is a partially subjective experience based on human to human. This means that every single individual perceives pain in a slightly different way. And not only individual, it also depends on our mood, alertness or previous experience. And because of that, pain may affect each one of us differently. Due to this, we cannot really confine pain in terms of units, for it may affect us differently. 

Thus, pain is not a stimulus, it's an experience that's different for everybody and, both the events of child birth and getting hit on the balls can hurt a lot! So, we call this one a TIE. Apart from the fact that both the events are completely different, and there are so many variables to consider like age, angle and velocity of the hit, baby size and time of labor etc, a man could receive more pain, and vice versa. The only difference being that one results in a new born baby, while the other decreases the chance of having one! (:P)


  1. Labor generally lasts quite a long time, however. A first-time mother can reasonably expect a labor of anywhere from 6 to 14 hours.

    1. I was in labor for 38 hours.... Ugh

    2. I was in labor for 42 hours with my first.

    3. it may last a while for some, not long for others buuuuut the catch is you may only experience it once or twice in your life... men experience this time and time and time again...

    4. @micahel garde

      Warning: I swear.

      The thing is, women are often raped and abused and otherwise forced into having children. Otherwise, they choose to put themselves through that pain for the good of their child.
      The majority if men being kicked in the genitals have it coming to them. It's avoidable for those who aren't stupid, antagonistic, agitating arseholes.

    5. saying someone deserves to get kicked balls is like saying someone deserves to get raped... It's just not right

    6. Thats not the same at all. Getting raped is the worst thing that can happen. Getting hit in the balls is nothing compare rape. So you shouldnt say stuff like that when you have no idea what its like

    7. No offense Regina but, your response to the one above yours, is the exact same as the one above yours. I'm just guessing but, I bet you have probably never been kicked in the balls any more than Machahel has been raped. You both are making assumptions into a subject neither will ever be able to experience. Or, I'm wrong and he has been raped in which case he knows exactly which one is worse...

    8. Random note: the nausea, heightened blood pressure, feeling of wanting to vomit, sweating (and let me add the sensation of having everything inside your lower abdomen squeezed, pulled, twisted and ripped at) also occurs for women with bad menstrual cramps. This is monthly and can last for hours.

    9. Random note: the nausea, heightened blood pressure, feeling of wanting to vomit, sweating (and let me add the sensation of having everything inside your lower abdomen squeezed, pulled, twisted and ripped at) also occurs for women with bad menstrual cramps. This is monthly and can last for hours.

    10. Suggesting that anyone deserves to have pain inflicted upon them makes you an insensitive asshole.

    11. I have been raped as a male and I have been kicked in the balls as well. I can tell you that I will take getting kicked in the balls any day of the week vs the constant nightmare immense pain of what happened and caused extreme damage and severe infections

    12. #This guy, dude,you're awesome and made me laugh...thanks

    13. Ok so to the moron who said that men have getting kick in the balls coming to them well that's a load of BS because I got kicked once and the reason behind it was because she said I looked like a guy she hates so I did nothing wrong but still got kicked and not only women only have to go through child birth a few times while men have to face the torture of nut shots their entire lives by kids and friends women may have to give birth but the kids kill the men to because they always hit them in the balls and plus they have equipment for a man to see how had it is for a woman to give birth but scientists can't make a device that can cause enough pain for women to experience the pain a man goes through when getting kicked in the balls

    14. I agree I have been punched in the family jewels. I have even been kicked in the balls by a horse and I had to go to the hospital for that one almost lost my family jewels from that one and I do agree that the one one mabey tow or three times a woman may go into labor over her life may be the most pain she will experince during her life and I'm not saying that that will be the only pain but it is the most extreme pain she will suffer unless other cirsmtances are involved but a man or boy.... Ect. We have to go through the family jewel pain alot throught our lives if you averaged the pain from every kick to the family jewels from a normal life span of 65 years it would out way the pain a woman goes through labor unless she has child after child but no woman in this world would do that to their body but I know there will be naw sayera but you cannot argue with the way that I have layed out the facts if you do try to aruge the facts then I'm calling f***ing bulls*** because there is no argument because they way I have explained this makes all other arguments invalid.

    15. Regina my sister has been raped and she said that kick to the balls is more physically traumatic but being raped is more emotionally traumatic both are bad just like childbirth and being kicked in the balls hurt

    16. All you saying getting raped is the worst thing that can happen, shut the f*ck up. If you get raped, you can simply just use birth control or abortion. I don't care about emotional trauma. You had the ability to scream or run or do whatever to get out. If it rape is the worst thing, then why didn't you just choose to get killed? Hmmm? Ball sack hitting is painful as shit. This pain can last up hours. Maybe even days if you're that sensitive. And you balls can possibly get destroyed, ending the ability to produce. They had to keep this demonic pain triggers with them for their whole life. I'm sure you can wait a week or two.

    17. Um Hotaru, do you not have any decency? Do you know what rape even is? Not everyone has the option to run away, they might be tied up or locked in a room or held down. Not everyone can scream; gagged, penis shoved in mouth, or there is simply no one there to hear their screams. Because whether it's date rape or continuous sexual turmoil/abuse (hense being kidnapped or held captive) it's a terrible thing that can be emotionally and physically scaring. Being forced could also lead to the inablity to carry children in the future by destroyal of the females sexual organs, so you're arguement on the inability to reproduce through testical destroyal is invaild. I respect you're opinion but to blame the woman is like blaming you for being the one to get kicked in the balls.

    18. Rape is awful. Not the most terrible thing in the world, but certainly a dreadful thing. Don't forget that we experience pain differently including the emotional pain of being raped. Some are more affected than others. Balls hurt. Birth hurts. Rape hurts. All these hurt on different levels for different people.

    19. Rape is horrible, and so is being kicked in the balls. But unless someone with balls is stupid or daring enough to ask for it, both are unconsensual and cause problems. For women, it's not just dignity and pain, it's the pressure of sometimes actually being forced to raise a child with no father. But for men, it's not just the pain either, they can face a lifetime of infertility, and not all men tends to see that as positive. So there you go, can we settle and agree that either way is terrible now?

    20. I don't know how rape got in the convo above but I thought this was supposed to be about pregnancy pain and ball pain not rape pain that is a whole other issue.

    21. Wait wait wait how is "Rape" so painful yet it's not painful when you do it with a "partner" cunts are cooked.

    22. "The thing is, women are often raped and abused and otherwise forced into having children. Otherwise, they choose to put themselves through that pain for the good of their child.
      The majority if men being kicked in the genitals have it coming to them. It's avoidable for those who aren't stupid, antagonistic, agitating arseholes."

      ^^ And for the fucktward who said this, i'm sixteen and have been hit in the testicles around 30-40 times due to sports and my friends thinking it's "Fun and games" so it's not really as avoidable as you think.

      And 2, you're not forced into giving birth if you're raped cause if you weren't the least bit retarded you'll come to realize "abortions" are a thing like shiz are you really gonna treat a rape baby well anyway Smh.

    23. Ppl if you're being raped and the man shoves his junk in your mouth bite the shit off no holds bared you know what will happen he will go into shock i knew a guy who had a bipolar wife and she had a violent episode while in bed one night and permanently groved his penis with her teeth that shit would have stopped any rapist in thier damned tracks thats how you can be able to scream have none of you seen the movie teeth for the love of fuck. And i have been kicked in the balls it fing hurts then there is the occasional day where I must have bumped them where i end up in debilitating pain for hours on end or a girl grabs em too rough and pain for hours as every little motion causes pain is it the same as child birth idk but if you think its a joke your sick and need help because on more than a few occasions a girl kicked a guy in the balls thinking oh its not that bad and then the guy ends up in the er getting one removed because it died and while having only 1 is fine gl having kids and you will suffer more than just a little low testosterone in men generally leads to a short unhealthy life

    24. Okay, I can actually explain the whole rape vs consensual sex pain thing.

      So here are the facts
      1. Consensual sex is generally a pleasurable experience
      2. Rape is not. And it hurts.

      I’m about to get all medical here so buckle up. When you have sex there’s an organ thing in your body called Bartholin’s gland, which essentially provides a lubricant so that you can take he penis in and out easily. Because rape is unwanted, those glands don’t activate and so when that penis goes into the vagina, there’s nothing to grease its way out. This is a really big reason as to why rape is such an unpleaaurable experience, and it’s also why it can damage a person’s reproductive organs and leave them unable to have children anymore.

      That’s why rape hurts, and is in no way comparable to consensual sex.

      Also, um, what the f*ck?
      Why are we comparing getting kicked in the balls to rape? I’m not sure if you understand this but those are NOT the same thing. Yes, they both violate a person’s body, but rape is straight up dehumanizing someone. People are not just objects for pleasure, they are p e o p l e.

      And to the person that said emotional trauma doesn’t matter? Well, say that again when you have PTSD and you cut all the time and you just want to murder is bad yourself because you have to keep reliving the experience and no one cares about you and everyone thinks you’re lying so your assailant never goes to jail and you try to murder is bad yourself but you fail and now your every move is constantly being watched and it’s horrible and...

      My point is, I’m sure getting kicked in the balls really sucks, but please stop comparing it to rape. Why not something we all understand? Like getting shot or having your arm cut off?

      Anyways sorry for ranting, hope you came out of this a little smarter!
      (I really am serious about that whole getting shot thing by the way, I want to know)
      Anyway have a nice day and bye!

    25. I understand that rape hurts. But you can't say "well I'm sure getting kicked in the balls hurt" if you have never experienced it.

    26. So um everyone talking about rape as if it only happens to woman.. like it happens to men too while it isn't as physically detrimental to a man it can be more emotionally detrimental because on average a man usually will have a bigger ego than a woman whether it being their masculinity or something else and obviously being raped for a man would destroy his sense of masculinity I'm not saying it's worse for men but I am saying men being raped gets close to if not evens out with the pain woman suffer from it

  2. My sons mother was in labor for 15 minutes, then out he came.

  3. I think this is correct you never know how much pain another person is feeling and you do not know the situation some people have higher pain tolerances and different situations I was in labor for 64 hours with my daughter and was induced so i had pitocin which makes the pain even worse so in my situation I think it was a little crazy lol but I got a gorgeous girl out of it and would t trade it for the world :)

    1. Thank you :) And congratulations on your baby girl !

    2. higher tolerance doesnt mean less pain you idiot

  4. This is a good article, but it seriously needs some revision. There are too many typing mistakes which makes it harder to take seriously.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Wow. You corrected "too many" to "to many"?? She was right. It's "too many". You're wrong in this instance I'm afraid.

    3. Christopher, before correcting someone maybe you should know what you're talking about first. Lol.

  5. Well... I mean okay but... Giving birth activates 3 dif types of pain and kicked in the balls activates 6 dif types of feelings you tell me which is worse
    Giving birth activates the top two most painful types of pain, and pain that you dont like but not because its painful (i dunno how to explain)
    Kicked in the balls:
    1. you feel the general punch/hit
    2. it makes you nervous (the kind of nervous that makes you sweat like you're covered in ten wool sweaters in the summer) for no reason
    3. it makes you wanna puke
    4. it makes you scared of everything physically around you
    5. you're in NO hurry what so ever to get up
    6. NAUSIA

    1. I really don't know about being kicked in the genitals. However I don't believe that it takes 23 or 48 hours of l long ass minute of hard core labor pains for men to get over there kick. Everything we endured through pregnancy and after as well.. So hell to the NO it's not comparable in my option.. sorry wait no I'm not.

    2. yet for some women, the whole pregnancy is easy, the actual labour can last 15 minutes and they say it's easy and have no ill effects afterward... now i did some for some!
      but you don't experience labour all throughtout your life... once or twice usually.
      if you add all the knocks to the nuts men cop the time might actually outweigh the time you spend in labour.. just think of this tho a flick to our balls can make us drop to the ground incapacitated, bring on nausea n make us pass out.

    3. "Childbirth activates two types of pain that arent really pain while getting hit activates six; only one of which is actually activates pain receptors, two of which (nervous/scared) are the same thing and a side effect of any sudden trauma and not actually pain, as well as also experienced during labor along with intense hostility, two more are again just the exact same thing (nausia and wanting to puke) also not really pain and commonly experienced during labor, and another is again not activating any pain receptors but is a side effect of the aforementioned trauma, and of course, also often experienced during childbirth."

      While childbirth DOES actually activate the following pain receptor clusters (sorry, "types of pain):
      Uterus contracting (obviously)
      Vaginal hole opening to an absurd size, causing bleeding and tearing around it
      Said tearing can follow through all the way to both the urethra and anal openings, which also both loose complete control due to the nearby trauma. Tearing can range from minor 1st degree which can be fixed with stiches, or result in tearing through muscle and creating a passage between the vagina and rectum. Or just one, big, giant hole and lots of bleeding. (Not very common, does happen, without medical care the mother can die)
      Broken tailbones are not uncommon, as well as other broken bones
      Most of these are assuming the labor goes WELL and there are no complications.

      But no, your six "types of pain" are totally legit.

      Man logic.

    4. gotta love how Elizabeth completely lied about the arguement

    5. Idk about all this but my friend was kicked in his left ball it swelled as big as a cantaloupe and was in the hospital for ten days in agonizing pain

    6. Why're we arguing about something which can't be resolved? What the article originally said about comparing the two, it has to be a tie. I don't care if you want to argue about it you can't know what the other thing feels like

  6. When a man is hit in the genitalia it is for the most part sudden and unexpected. With child birth the worst of the pain comes well after a women knows she is in labor. We live in a world where modern medicine has given us the means to greatly ease pain I.E. epidurals and demerol. Both of which I've never had for a groin shot. Don't get me wrong I give it up to women kind. My wife who gave me a beautiful 9lb 15oz baby boy labored 15 hours with piticon, but after the drugs she was joking around and begging for a cheese burger. The same is true for the mother of my daughter (previous relationship)

    1. The joking is a registered and recognised action of a woman in pain, trying to brush off other people. Besides, from the sounds of it, they had it EASY. Loads of women are in labor for DAYS in absolute AGONY.

      I know a man who transitioned from a woman after having a child. He had testosterone and adreniline injections, so don't you dare say it doesn't count.
      When he was attacked at a pub for still having breasts, but surgery on his genitals to form a penis and testes, someone kicked him where you are talking about. He lay there for a while as they left, then got up and felt nauseous for about ten minutes.
      The police, when he went to file a complaint, asked how much he had hurt him to determine how serious it was. The trans man said 'Well, at least it hurt a lot less than giving birth did.'

      Then the policeman tried to kick him out, calling him a faggot, a bitch and a fake.

      This world really isn't fair sometimes.

    2. And that's what we call a rumor that has been exaggerated time and time again, and which gender loves telling rumors the most? Well, not to discriminate but women (this is actually a fact so it can't be really counted as discrimination). And if you're gonna try to tell me that you knew the guy/gal, well, that's what most people say who've heard a rumor so I'm not going to believe that, and one last thing, it's different every single time, you were saying he was at a pub? Yeah alcohol kinda lessens the pain by a tremendous amount.

    3. Yeah you can't trust women's stories sometimes. That is what they do best

  7. When a man is hit in the genitalia it is for the most part sudden and unexpected. With child birth the worst of the pain comes well after a women knows she is in labor. We live in a world where modern medicine has given us the means to greatly ease pain I.E. epidurals and demerol. Both of which I've never had for a groin shot. Don't get me wrong I give it up to women kind. My wife who gave me a beautiful 9lb 15oz baby boy labored 15 hours with piticon, but after the drugs she was joking around and begging for a cheese burger. The same is true for the mother of my daughter (previous relationship)

  8. I'm not going to argue for a deffinate side but women get a release of chemicals that is in-built naturally to handle birthing can be kicked in the balls and take days to recover from a bruise alone, we have no chemicals to combat the pain and it can cause cancer which can last indeffinately

  9. If I would have to compare the two. I would say, that with the initial blow to the family jewels is more painful then child birth BUT! with the duration of child birth. Child birth is more painful. So I would still call it a tie. Well, unless if you kick a guy in the nuts for hour's then the nads will win this argument

    1. I would say that a guy getting kicked has a higher pain level and giving birth is a longer lasting pain. That, to me, puts them at about even, but one thing that tips the scale is that, there are many women who do not have much pain with child birth, but it is pretty much a guarantee of intense pain for a man to receive trauma to his genitals.

  10. If I would have to compare the two. I would say, that with the initial blow to the family jewels is more painful then child birth BUT! with the duration of child birth. Child birth is more painful. So I would still call it a tie. Well, unless if you kick a guy in the nuts for hour's then the nads will win this argument

  11. While there is no comparison, some women in labor pay the ultimate price of their life , never heard a guy getting kicked in the nuts die from it .

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Actually there is a story of a man being charged with murder after he kicked his stepbrother in the nuts and he died a month later due to his injury.

  12. Google "How much pain is a kick in the balls and its gives you a straight definition of it, a kick in the balls is 9000 del units of pain which is equal to breaking up 3200 bones and giving birth to 160 children at once... I rest my case.

    1. Also if a woman wants to give birth to another child, then why does it hurt so much? Never hear a guy wanting to get kick in the balls \o/

    2. "the unit 'del' does not even exist. There was once a unit called 'dol' from the Latin word 'Dolor' for pain. So that internet fact was bullshit" (source:this aritcle your commenting on)

    3. That is a fake article. There is no such unit to measure the pain. It is subjective. Women chose to give birth to more children because she is brave enough to take the pain unlike men and having a child is worth it. There is a saying you have to lose something to gain something. A woman goes through so much pain to have a child. If all the women say that tHey don't want to bear this pain then all of you men will go childless. So be appreciative and give some credit to women especially to your mothers for bringing you into this world deputes of all that pain. I don't know why men are always so thankless and compare there nut kicking pain to childbirth which might be only equal to extremelly painful menstruation which some women have to go through every month. And if u really wana compare childbirth with something then just imagine something equal to the size of a newborn baby coming out of your ass hole. I m sure the imagination will give you goose bumps.

    4. There is no such thing as the del unit

  13. A woman gives birth to a child but most don't stop at just one child and will have another. You will never hear a guy who gets kicked in the nuts say "I wanna have another."

  14. A woman gives birth to a child but most don't stop at just one child and will have another. You will never hear a guy who gets kicked in the nuts say "I wanna have another."

  15. Had a vasectomy that they caused nerve damage long story short, I feel the pain of a kick to the groin every 15 to 30 min for the past 3years now and on top of that I have hyper sensitivity syndrome which I feel pain 2to 3 times as much as others! And no meds work on me! Fuck pain!

  16. My thing is I had a epideral with my son and I didn't feel a dam thing but if a man gets hit in the ball that don't have a choice of Us they can make it not hurt stop complaining about something you have the choice to have the pain or not men don't have the choice of they get hit in the ball the pain is there.

  17. My thing is I had a epideral with my son and I didn't feel a dam thing but if a man gets hit in the ball that don't have a choice of Us they can make it not hurt stop complaining about something you have the choice to have the pain or not men don't have the choice of they get hit in the ball the pain is there.

    1. They have a choice to not be an asshole. That is normally why a man gets kicked in the nuts.

    2. They have a choice to not be an asshole. That is normally why a man gets kicked in the nuts.

    3. They have a choice to not be an asshole. That is normally why a man gets kicked in the nuts.

    4. They have a choice to not be an asshole. That is normally why a man gets kicked in the nuts.

  18. This is where you are wrong. A guy normally doesn't ask to get a fist drilled into his scrotum it's unexpected

  19. You argue for nothing. Obviously, nobody has proved which is worse yet. As a male, I think that one is a tie. I am a kickboxer and I didn't have a cup before 2 years. I got kicked in the balls brutally by an accident. I fell on the ground, feeling uncontrollable pain. In the next 5 seconds I was about to puke a few times and I started panicking for no clear reason. I couldn't get up alone because of the pain. I felt that way for like 10 minutes. Really agonizing 10 minutes. On the other side I can't imagine what it is to give a birth to a child. I will not compare them because I haven't experienced both of them but I think they are equal. I saw some guys here getting butthurt about mistakes in the comments, I am not a native English speaker so I have mistakes don't judge.

  20. I got kicked in the balls, i had to get them surgically removed because they got suck

  21. Stop arguing who inflicts more pain, men or women? All you women want to do is show that you are physically stronger. You aren't and that's biology speaking. Men stop fucking thinking that just because you have taken a kick in the balls you are too cool. I'm a transgender. Both are equal I've been through both. So shut up.

  22. Nobody cares about your wrecked vaginas!!!

  23. I slipped off the peddles off my bike when I was a little girl n that hurt really bad n can also pop the cherry when a female is hurt in the area. With a high tolerance for pain when to high n spiked a fever on top put me into convulsions, as well as having interactive chronic pain that never goes away and is crippling and massive damage from my neck to bottom head to toe and getting pregnant on top of it in labor for over 24hours the contractions wrapping from front to back so severe and having to be strapped down held in place for epi which did not help became a spawn demon from hell and then rushed for emergncy c-section n still had to pump up the meds and after birth back in a week later cause if an infection from hospital wound vac picc line and few months after hurled over in pain due to 2 massive hernias and a collapsed abdominal wall n gutted from hip to hip with tubes out the sides and from just above belly button down was removed n till this day abdominal pain radiates slightest move to a sneeze cough makes me unable to move now disabled on multiple occasions paralyzed in pain which sucks and also takes a major mental toll. But as for a man being injured in the area both men and women are highly sensitive there so ya it hurts I believe it not only being kicked but if your dong while hard gets vent during sex hurts a man and if you play with the sack you can twist them which can cause severe pain or getting curcomsized later in life it all hurts and it's traumatizing for both parties pain is pain all different degrees cause each individual is different it's not easy for any of us to bare pain...I've blacked out cause of pain n fell out the shower n have a tiny bathroom not only could not get up but also slammed my head through the wall and had a concussion. So no matter how your pain is received it hurts male or female and for the fact everyone is different should not be judged cause never know how bad off a person really is you don't know their story above all pain is pain male or female

  24. my brother got kicked in the balls when he got jumped, he passed out from the immense pain and was taken to the ER for large swelling, and then got testicular cancer because of that and died 2 years later

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I know a woman who has had both kidney stone attacks and had a couple of natural childbirths (the normal kind, not the tearing internal organs loose and apart kind). She says that a kidney stone attack was worse than childbirth. I have had both kidney stone attacks, and been hit/kicked in the balls (the non-rupturing, send a guy to the hospital kind). I would MUCH RATHER have another kidney stone attack where I vomit in pain for hours and hours than get kicked in the balls again.

    So.... Kicked in the Balls pain > kidney stone attack pain > Childbirth pain.

    Therefore, logically, being kicked in the balls hurts worse than normal, natural childbirth.

    This was video was posted 1 day before this article was.
    Just gonna leave this here.

  28. Getting kicked in the balls is like having lighting hit you in the lower stomach. Its agony, believe me. Pain is different for everyone, so people all react do it differently. I've been stabbed and also I've been hit directly in the stomach by a 90 mph baseball. I'd take both over being kicked in the balls again.

  29. Comments about which is worse and this is worse and that is worse why are people so idiotic? What does it matter if one is worse? Pain is pain I've had to deal with the fact that my best friend shot himself in the head in front of me that was worse than a kick in the balls. But at the end of the day the fact is that it still hurt. GET OVER YOURSELVES it doesn't matter what pain is worse than the other. As for why I'm here I was wondering if there was finally someone logical enough to understand what I just said and there is bravo for making this blog and debunking one of the BS rumors on the internet.

  30. Here are some problems you bigots, White Knights, and feminists don't understand:

    1) Pain is subject from person to person. HOWEVER, a kick in the nuts is sharp, INTENSE, and can happen at any time of any day. Which the surprise often accounts for even more pain. A woman knows when she will give birth generally. Sometime between 8-12 months of pregnancy she can kinda expect the pain to set in for about 12-36 hours on average.

    2) On AVERAGE, a woman only gives birth and goes through labor 1-3 times her whole life. A man is subject to nut breakers and cheap shots his whole life. And I am saying men are generally more active than women because our bodies are built to have especially more endurance and physical strength. So we are constantly at risk of injury there.

    3) A woman's birth canal was DESIGNED to spit a baby out. The inside of the vagina is very muscular, yes, but the tissue is SUPER elastic, and designed to pop babies out. Hell nature even made the baby's skull to be so soft that it turns into a cone at the top to help even more. A man's balls are defenseless.It is just nerves and blood vessels there. If we get hit there, we don't have pain dulling hormones like women do. We take the full force of it. But Society, aka all these motherfuckers that exist just about, are gonna tell us all to just get over it and not to worry about it and stuff.

    4) In my story, I had a corneal abrasion because my psychopathic ex-wife clawed it out with her fingernails. The pain I dealt with there, my doctor, a woman, had told me she had rather have been in labor with her eldest (a 13 pound baby) than go through with what I do. And the corneal abrasion is NOTHING compared to a cheap shot in the balls or an accident there. Not even when I was stabbed in the Army by a 7" combat knife.

    5) Rape is subjective. How can you actually prove you give consent? Sure you can say it, but again, I was divorced because of false rape charges. Luckily I proved them false, and I didn't have to pay alimony because of her perjury, but crocodile tears and false stories are some things a lot of women are good at. Because society just loves to point the finger at men for the wrongs of women. And then men like to point their fingers at stuff they created. Like the dog scares in the 80's and 90's. Guns. Abortion. Etc. We as humans created these things but blame our creations for our problems like Dr. Frankenstein. Nobody likes to take responsibility for what they do. It's sick.

    6) Back on topic to whats on this forum, Rape isn't the worse thing that can happen to you. Fun fact, men have gone through sexual abuse far longer than women. But Disney Channel isn't gonna tell you what goes on to the little boys in Greece and the Middle East and what has went on since the beginnings of their society.

    7) Finally, I would say since a woman doctor told me I went through worse pain than that of her labor of a 13 pound boy, which the pain from my cornea in my left eye and the big stab in my right flank was nothing compared to my balls, I would have to say men go through worse. Menstrual cycles end at age 45-50 so that's just something you gotta deal with as a woman until then, and GENERALLY women aren't constantly spitting kids out, it just doesn't seem fair to say this is a tie. It's not.

    This may be irrelevant to the topic here at hand, but if these girls want to be equal to men, why must we also give them special treatments because they have a vagina? Why can't my balls be caressed and coaxed instead of getting beat on? That's not fighting for equal rights. That's being sexist against men.

  31. Surely this article is written by a jealous woman lol.

    1. No it’s been copied off of a very real scientific YouTube channel

  32. Surely this article is written by a jealous woman lol.

  33. We're talking about pain between labor and getting hit in the balls, and besides rape is more horrific and worse as in a nightmare comparison, but getting hit in the balls is one of the worst pains.

  34. Directly stolen from youtube without any credit given, nice dude !

  35. both is equal.... hahahaha
    but I love my mom, I'm alive because she got a lot of pain.... I love my dad also, without him I never came.

  36. all these comments arguing over which is worse and why and i'm over here just happy i'm not a female and have to go through any of the shit they do... getting hit in the balls hurts like a bitch but certainly beats nobly periods, bleeding out your vag, mood swings that make you seem psychotic, and child birth... no offense ladies but you can have this one... i'll happily give you this win

  37. Getting hit in the balls way worse in grade 4 girls thought it was funny to go around squeezing guys testicles(which made me infertile) the pain i go through every day knowing i can't have my own kids i wouldn't wish on anyone but guess i dont know because as woman say we have no idea what they go through but somehow they think they know exactly what we do.

  38. Let's not compare rape to anything else people but there definitely are people who deserve to get kicked in the balls like male predators if a man attacks a person any kind of way they deserve a quick kick in the nuts so the victim can get away

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. This entire post was copied almost line for line off of a YouTube video. If you want to see the original I’ll post the link too.
